What are Barrel Locks?

Barrel locks can be found in specific industrial settings and don’t always get used in the typical areas. Although They might sound similar to cylinder or tubular locks, barrel locks are not the same thing – yes, even if they are tubular and cylindrical. These locks are quite tricky and unique looking; in this blog entry I’ll detail what barrel locks are used for, and what their functions are.

Where barrel locks are used

Barrel locks are a common security measure for residential or commercial utilities inside homes, protecting the regulation of electricity, gas, and water meters. The lock usually consists of a ring shaped disk that covers the meter, that once fastened, cannot be removed – this prevents any fo these meters from being manipulated. Other variants of meter guards include smaller meter guards that can adjust based on meter size. These bars can work similarly to steering wheel locks, but can extend to lock multiple round meters – these bars are used in apartments or businesses that have separate utility bills – it can be used as a replacement in situations where barrel lock rings cannot be supplied,


How Barrel Locks Work

Barrel locks operate with a circular keyway that requires a key shaped like a long screw – once the lock is placed into its ring shaped housing, it can’t be removed without taking out the ball bearings on it’s sides – the barrel can also turn freely in it’s housing, making it more resistant to picking attempts. The key for this lock is either a screw type key or a plunger key that gets propelled with handle into the keyway. Once the key is inside the hole, it grasps the barrel and releases the catch on the ball bearings, moving the springing mechanism that holds them in place, and allowing the entire lock cylinder to be removed.


How barrel locks can get picked

Since these locks are ubiquitous everywhere, their flaws are somewhat public knowledge. It’s important to remember never to tamper with locks that you don’t own unless you have permission from the owner – many of these locks can be picked with a screw that fits tightly within the keyhole, and using principles similar to a bump key, can knock the spring mechanism. Some skeleton key tools that allow instant access to barrel locks also exist – it’s important to purchase a lock made for high security purposes, which will have a somewhat less common, and less vulnerable keyway.

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