Biometric Locking Security

You’ve all seen them on TV, those cool digital locks that use things other than numbers to open them. Otherwise known as biometric security, the ones that seem most popular in media include fingerprint scans, voice recognition, and retinal scans. That being said, how much do we really know about them?

Fingerprint Scans

Fingerprinting is probably the method most recognized because it is used for more than just security. Everyone’s fingerprints are completely unique, and unless you cut or burn your fingertips, there is no way to alter them. Criminals get printed when they are arrested so that they can be recognized in the data base if they commit another crime. Disney World uses fingerprinting to ensure their guests are using their own ticket. Many work places are starting to require fingerprinting of their employees to ensure security.

Fingerprinting is one of the less intrusive methods of identification which is why it is so popular. With the latest technology, it only takes a few seconds to have your fingerprints scanned and identified. While it is possible to duplicate fingerprints, it is a difficult task that requires time, patience, and a delicate hand; things most people don’t have. So if you are considering bulking up your security with a fingerprint reader on your door, ask S.O.S. Locksmith for a free estimate. We have access to the last innovations in security.

Voice Recognition

We see this method quite a bit in movies with Army Generals saying things like “Alpha Delta Beta Beta Phi” into a box and unlocking the door. Voice recognition works by turning sound waves into data. The tricky thing about this method is that your voice can fluctuate. There are a variety of different reasons you might sound more stressed or higher pitched. In order to avoid, being rejected because this, there is a training session with the machine. Whatever the phrase you choose, you have to repeat it multiple times. Then the computer compares the data and takes and average. Still, if you are sick, this may change your voice too much to be recognized.

There are also voice verification systems which work differently than voice recognition. Instead of using set words, verification systems use behavioral and physiological traits deduced from the voice. Things like pitch and tone help indicate the shape of a person’s vocal tract which is unique to everyone. Voice systems are increasingly popular on phones and cars. Most of them come equipped with voice command for convenience. Smartphones can be locked and unlocked with voice recognition. In the car, you can pick you music without ever taking your hand off the wheel. Even companies are using voice systems to make help lines easier to navigate.

Eye Scans

Eyes scans are one of the more intrusive methods of biometric security. They look quite cool though, don’t they? There are two types currently used: retinal scans and iris scans. Like fingerprints, our eyes are completely unique to us. Retinal scans match the blood vessels in our eyes. Each eye has a unique pattern which is mapped out by an infrared light beam. This method is highly reliable and almost impossible to falsify because, come on, how do you duplicate an eye? The only downside is that cataracts and astigmatism can ruin readings. While it is a speedy method, it still takes a bit of time to have your eye scanned properly and you have to be close to the scanner.

Iris recognition is another form of eye scans. Irises have a unique and complex pattern to them. This system uses infrared illumination to capture an incredibly detailed picture of the iris. Then, using statistical algorithms, they calculate the patterns of the iris for comparison. Even when the shape and color of the iris is altered, the texture can still be recognized. Unlike retinal scans, iris scans can be done from up to a few feet away which makes it less intrusive physically. However, a flaw this system has is that it can be fooled by a high quality picture. Civil rights activists are also concerned about privacy because this technology would give the government the ability to track people without knowing.

As technology keeps advancing, so do security measures we use to protect ourselves. Years ago these biometric systems seemed like things out of a science fiction movie. In fact, they were! Yet look at us now. Biometric Locking Security methods are becoming increasingly popular and less expensive to use. Who knows where we’ll be in 20 years?

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