Home Invasion Prevention

Home invasions are pretty much one of the worst case scenarios any homeowner can imagine happening at their property. Luckily, there’s myriad of security strategies that when implemented in a combined and holistic fashion, can greatly decrease the chances of home invasion being successful – or even attempted by criminals in the first place. In this blog entry, the residential security experts at SOS Locksmith will detail some fantastic ways that you can implement home invasion prevention at your property.

Home Security Shells

You want to make sure that your home cannot be penetrated by anybody who wants to gain unauthorized access. Assess all the vulnerabilities and entry points of your home – a professional lock and security technician can help you analyze your security infrastructure. Make sure to pay attention to all doors and windows. Consider your home like a personal fortress that you’re trying to strengthen and fortify.

Security Deterrents

Creating a web of multiple security deterrents can help you discourage any potential crime through the element of fear – making it clear to them that the home is protected, and not an easy target. You want all deterrents to be clearly visible, and it’s best to have multiple deterrents positioned in multiple areas on the exterior of your home. Fantastic deterrents include surveillance cameras and monitored alarm systems. Deterrents that actually work – rather than simply signal their own presence – are fantastic, as they function as both active and passive security.

Making your Home Less of a Potential Hit

Make your home seem unappealing to potential criminals. This tactic will require you to ensure that your home looks obviously protected – through the use of strong deadbolts, locks, and the same security deterrents as mentioned above. This tactic will also require you to not advertise your home as a potential target by displaying objects and items of value that can tempt a burglar. Don’t display fancy electronic items in the windows, and if possible, always park expensive cars inside a closed garage.

Keep Your Home Guarded

Yes, it may not be possible to always be home – and we’d never ask that of you. However, if you’re going to be gone for an extended time, it’s best if you keep some aspect of active security inside your home. Consider installing monitored security systems, getting a guard dog, or even asking a trusted friend, neighbor, or family member to stay at your home while you’re away!


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