Ignition Rekeying FAQ

While many people mix the two processes up, ignition rekeying is actually very different than an ignition cylinder replacement. A replacement totally, well, replaces the entire ignition cylinder mechanism in your car, and is usually carried out when an ignition cylinder has sustained damage or wear that renders it inoperable. However, ignition rekeying is often performed for the same reasons as many lock rekeying operations are – often due to a lost key, or after buying a used car in order to exert security control. Here’s some of the most common questions that we, the experts at SOS Locksmith, receive regarding car ignition rekeying.


Can locksmiths rekey my ignition cylinder?

Sure. Ignition cylinders are simply specialized locks that can be disassembled and reassembled with separate components. An experienced locksmith can easily rekey existing or brand new cylinders for your car’s ignition.


How long does an ignition cylinder rekeying take?

If you’re combining this service with a cylinder replacement, about 20 minutes. However, if the rekeying is being performed on it’s own, it will likely take around 5-10 minutes.


What are the reasons for rekeying my ignition?

One common reason for rekeying is as follow up after a cylinder replacement, in order to make the new neutral cylinder match the key that you already own. Another reason to rekey your car is when your keys are lost and you want to ensure that only you can operate your car.


Can I rekey, rather than replace my car ignition cylinder?

Sometimes you can! If the problem with the ignition is simply an issue with the pins and wafer inside it, you can simply replace that tiny part and rekey the lock to work with your same key. However, there are times where the ignition cylinders have suffered too much damage to be repaired, in which case it will have to be totally replaced?


What’s the reason my key won’t work in my ignition?

This is either due to an inability for the cylinder to read the transponder key code, or a problem with the ignition switch. If the issue is with the ignition cylinder, then the cylinder may have to be fully replaced – and following this operation, a rekeying process would be carried out to match the replacement cylinder to the old key code. However, if there is simply damage to the pins or wafers you should be able to rekey the ignition rather than carry out a full cylinder replacement.


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