Double Door Locks

Here at SOS Locksmith, home security is our bread and butter. Many people take an extra stringent approach to their home security by installing multiple locks on a single door as an additional precaution to bolster their property against potential intruders and burglary. However – does this make sense? In this blog entry, the home security experts here at SOS Locksmith will discuss the benefits of double door locks.

Security Additions

Double locks offer additional security – a smart choice for property in high crime areas. Many burglars try to enter a home through the front door, despite this being obvious. Having double locked doors creates additional security, as it will make it take much more time for a burglar to break through or pick twice as many locks, acting as both an active and passive deterrents.


The Quality of the Lock Matters

How much security you’ll receive from installing an additional lock is only dictated by the quality of the locks and their proper installation. When an additional HIGH SECURITY deadbolt is installed PROPERLY, it will exponentially increase the level of security over your property. The hardened and reinforced steel these locks are often made of will provide fantastic manual resistance to break-ins – but it has to be well constructed in the first place.


Lower Insurance Premium Costs

Some insurance provers ask homeowners to install double locks, while other insurance companies lower insurance premiums as a reward for this increased security. In the event of a home break-in or burglary, insurance companies will have a higher chance of compensating you if they can determine you’ve taken the additional security step of installing a second lock.


Fire Safety

You can lower the danger risk of fires in the home by installing single bolt locks that require a key to open from outside, but can be automatically unlocked and opened from the inside using a twist doorknob. Sure, this leads to potentially locking oneself out, but it also makes it much easier to quickly exit your home in the event of fire. 


If the door has windows inside it that can be potentially broken, or strange construction, double bolt locks may work better – but if you’d rather stick to a single bottle system, we recommend installing a door with heightened security like reinforced glass windows and steel.


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